
贷款与奖学金或助学金的主要区别在于,你有责任偿还贷款. Be a smart borrower and only borrow what you need. You must be enrolled in at least 6 credit hours to receive loan funds. 

在即将到来的奖励年度中,您的澳门足球博彩官方网址X帐户接受联邦学生贷款的选项将在7月的第一周之后才可用. We will send you an email letting you know when and how to complete the process.   

All of this can get a little intimidating, but don't worry. Our staff is here to help with your questions and concerns.


符合经济援助资格标准的学生有资格获得联邦直接贷款. There are two types of federal direct loans, Subsidized and Unsubsidized. 根据FAFSA的结果,有足够经济需求的学生可以申请联邦直接贷款, which accrues no interest while the student is enrolled at least half-time. Most students are also eligible for an unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan, which does accrue interest while the student is enrolled at least half-time. 目前, 联邦直接贷款的利率每年由国会法案确定.

  • 补贴贷款 – no interest accumulates until repayment starts; repayment is deferred for six months after graduation or dropping below half-time status. 2024-2025年的利率为6.53%一旦开始还款. 发起费1.057% is withheld by the Department of Education.
  • 未受资助的贷款 - interest is charged immediately; the student can pay interest while in school or let it accumulate until repayment starts; repayment is deferred for six months after graduation or dropping below half-time status. 2024-2025年的利率为6.53%. 发起费1.057% is withheld by the Department of Education.


一年级学生最多可以借5美元,500 in Federal Direct 贷款 for an academic year; no more than $3,500美元可以是补贴贷款. Second-year students (must have earned 31 credit hours) can borrow up to $6,500 per academic year; no more than $4,500美元可以是补贴贷款. 想要获得学士学位的三年级和四年级学生(必须修满61个学分)最多可以借7美元,500 per academic year; no more than $5,其中的500可以作为补贴贷款. 父母PLUS贷款申请被拒绝的受抚养学生有资格获得最多4美元的额外贷款,000美元的无补贴贷款.


一年级学生最多可以借9美元,500 in Federal Direct 贷款 for an academic year; no more than $3,500美元可以是补贴贷款. Second-year students (must have earned 31 credit hours) can borrow up to $10,500 per academic year; no more than $4,500美元可以是补贴贷款. 想要获得学士学位的三年级和四年级学生(必须修满61个学分)最多可以借12美元,500 per academic year; no more than $5,其中的500可以作为补贴贷款.


以便学生了解他们在申请学生贷款方面的权利和责任, first-time borrowers must complete at least an online entrance counseling session. 他们还需要签署一份名为主本票(MPN)的贷款申请,承诺偿还他们接受的任何贷款. 学生 can complete entrance counseling and sign the MPN at StudentAid.政府. 首次借款人还需要完成至少三十(30)天的第一学期课程,才能获得联邦直接贷款的付款.

Because federal regulations require that loans be disbursed in equal installments, 申请秋季/春季贷款的借款人将获得秋季学期贷款的一半,其余一半将支付春季学期的贷款. If a loan is for one semester only, there must still be two equal payments made. Typically the first half will disburse when classes start, 除非需要30天的延期, and the second equal remaining disbursement will occur at midway of the semester.


For dependent students: Parents may be offered a Direct PLUS loan. 2024-2025年的利率为9.08%,发起费为4.228% of the loan amount, which is withheld by the Department of Education. The interest rate and origination fees are set annually by Congress.

如欲申请家长PLUS贷款,家长必须填写家长PLUS贷款申请表 StudentAid.政府. Upon 应用ing, a credit check is conducted to determine approval. 如果父母的信用被批准, the parent will also need to complete a PLUS Master Promissory Note (MPN).

一旦资金被送到学校,PLUS贷款资金将直接应用到学生的账户. If there are excess of the Parent loan funds, 根据家长在完成PLUS申请时选择的退款选项,退款将发送给学生或直接发送给家长.

如果父母的申请被拒绝, the student may be eligible to receive an additional unsubsidized student loan of up to $4,000元/年. 学校将被告知家长的申请被拒绝,并将自动向学生提供额外的无补贴贷款. If the student chooses to accept this additional unsubsidized student loan, 学生可以通过登录他们的澳门足球博彩官方网址X帐户并接受全部或部分提供的贷款来接受“额外不明嫌犯- PLUS拒绝”.


Private loans are sometimes also referred to as alternative education loans. Since this is a private loan that is not monitored or guaranteed by the Department of Education, the terms and interest rates vary according to the lender you choose. Eligibility for a private loan is based on credit worthiness as determined by the lender. If you are considering 应用ing for a private loan, you should research and compare multiple lenders offering 私人贷款. You can use the options provided below to get started. However, you are not limited to choosing a lender on either of these sites. If you prefer to use another lender, just let us know. We may need to collect additional information from the lender to process your loan request. 请注意, 私人贷款不适合用于紧急融资,因为从您获得批准之日起,该过程可能需要长达12个工作日. 然后,一旦资金送到学校, 在收到资金后,还有一个额外的退款处理期,可能长达14天.


Repayment of 学生贷款 is very important for your financial stability going forward. If you have borrowed only federal 学生贷款, get up-to-date information at STUDENT援助.政府. You can then choose “I’m in Repayment” to learn more about your 还款方式. 你可以估计每月的付款, weigh the pros and cons of combining all your federal 学生贷款 into one consolidation loan, and find how to start repaying your 学生贷款.

Due to law recently passed by Congress, the Student Loan Payment Pause is ending. Interest on 学生贷款 will resume on Sept. 1, 2023 and payments will begin in October. For additional information on how to prepare for your loan repayment go to COVID-19 EMERGENCY RELIEF AND FEDERAL STUDENT 援助. Paying on your loan before interest resumes may save you money. 联系您的贷款服务机构 寻求帮助.

If you have also or exclusively borrowed private 学生贷款, refinancing them with a refinancing or refi loan might be an option to consider. A refi loan allows you to combine both private and federal loans into one loan and one payment. 要明白,将联邦贷款和私人贷款结合起来可能不是你的最佳选择,因为这会影响你偿还联邦贷款的好处. For more information on consolidation and refinancing, check out our 贷款合并/再融资页面.


To learn more about 学生贷款债务减免, please go to Biden-Harris Administration's Student Debt Relief Plan Explained.


遵守2008年《澳门足球博彩官方网址》,禁止学生金融服务人员的利益冲突, 文森斯大学对私人教育贷款的贷款人采取以下行为准则.  万塞纳大学: 

  • does not require the use of particular lenders or in any way limit the choice of lenders.
  • processes loan applications through any lender a student or parent chooses.
  • 没有向任何贷款人索取或接受任何有价值的东西,以换取贷款人向大学学生提供教育贷款所寻求的任何利益.
  • 禁止学生金融服务部门的员工和任何负责教育贷款的员工签订任何类型的咨询安排或其他合同,向贷款人提供与教育贷款有关的服务.
  • 禁止学生金融服务的雇员和任何其他与教育贷款有关的责任的雇员, 谁在与贷款机构设立的教育贷款相关的咨询委员会任职,并在咨询委员会任职期间从贷款机构获得任何有价值的东西.
  • 禁止外部贷款机构的雇员, 代表, or agents from providing staffing services to the student financial services office.

Information for 学生 from Washington State

  • 华盛顿州居民寻求有关学生贷款偿还的信息和资源,或寻求提交有关您的学生贷款或学生贷款服务的投诉, 请访问 www.wsac.wa.政府 / loan-advocacy or contact the Student Loan Advocate at loanadvocate@wsac.wa.政府. 


如果你正在寻求更多的信息,关于如何有你的联邦学生贷款免除由于完全和永久残疾, 你可以在 联邦学生资助 网站. 或者,如果你已经有了联邦学生贷款,由于完全和永久性残疾而被解除,并且正在申请经济援助, please contact our office and ask to speak with a 金融援助 Counselor.
