


在申请文森斯大学远程教育之前, 请查看以下信息以确定在线教育是否适合你? 作为一名学生.



The following skills are beneficial to possess if you plan on taking online classes:

  • 较强的阅读和写作能力, 自律和时间管理技能, 解决问题和批判性思维的能力
  • 掌握基本的计算机术语,例如:
    • 下拉菜单,登录,用户名,程序,上传,网站
  • 能够进行基本的计算机操作,例如:
    • 使用键盘和鼠标
    • Managing files and folders: save, name, copy, move, backup, rename, delete, check properties
    • 会复制粘贴,拼写检查,以不同格式保存文件
    • 发送和下载附件
  • 了解基本的计算机硬件和软件,例如:
    • 软件安装、安全和病毒防护
    • 软件应用,如Word、PowerPoint、Excel、电子邮件客户端
  • 能够使用在线交流工具,例如:
    • 电子邮件(创建、发送、接收、回复、打印、发送/接收附件)
    • Discussion boards (read, search, post, reply, follow threads), chats, and messengers.
  • 额外的互联网技能,例如:
    • 连接、访问和使用浏览器
    • Ability to perform online research using various search engines and library databases.


    It is important that you begin an online course by reviewing the syllabus and other course items, 这样你的任何问题都能尽快得到解决. 如果您有任何疑问或疑虑,请立即与讲师联系. Do not wait until the end of the semester as it will be too late for an instructor to help you. 下面是一些关于如何在远程教育课程中取得成功的建议.

  • 了解你的课程. Navigate through your course at the beginning of the semester and make sure that you read each item. This will ensure that you know where everything is located and what will be expected of you.
  • 与你的教练保持联系. 这很重要.
  • 有疑问的时候问问题. 教师和远程教育办公室很乐意为学生提供帮助. ( or 1-800-880-7961).
  • 在一周的时间里,一次做一点功课. 不要等到最后一刻. You will not get the appropriate exposure to the subject if you rush assignments at the end of the semester and it will be reflected in your grade.
  • 参与课程很重要. 你的出勤是基于课程活动. Course activity is participating in scheduled course activities and submitting assignments on due dates.
  • 完成阅读和课程作业. 这将有助于提高你的知识,帮助你在课程中取得成功。.
  • 经常查看课程公告和您的首选电子邮件. Distance Education and your online instructor will communicate with you through your preferred e-mail address.
  • 经常检查你的成绩. 你有责任把作业交给你的老师. By keeping track of your grades you are making sure that your assignments are being received and that you understand the course material.
  • 认真管理时间. 每周留出时间学习.
  • 与老师交流时要尊重老师. 确保你是礼貌的,不要使用冒犯性的语言.
  • Remember that not participating can result in being dropped from the course at 0% tuition adjustment.
  • 如果你需要放弃一门课程,去找你的学术顾问. 退学必须由学生以书面形式提出.
  • 请记住,学生有责任确认是否有经济援助, 课堂参与, 以及课程材料. 不出勤者不予退还学费, 没有进入在线课程, 没有课程教材和资料, 或未收到经济援助或其他学费资助.
  • 请记住,学生负责检查他们的My澳门足球博彩官方网址帐户, 电子邮件, 和Blackboard来确认注册. Tuition refunds will not be granted because the confirmation email was not seen or the systems were not accessed.


While some academic requirements for online classes can be adequately completed via the use of a mobile device, 平板电脑或Chromebook, Distance Education students are expected to have access to a laptop or desktop computer with a Windows or Mac operating system to complete all online academic tasks.

At the following link you will find the minimum and recommended hardware and software requirements necessary in order to access an online class through Vincennes University's current Blackboard版本. 个别教师可能有额外的要求 特定的类. 一定要检查你的课程大纲并讨论技术需求 在课堂上尽早和你的老师沟通. You will also be able to test your internet browser at the following link to make sure it is compatible with taking online classes via the Blackboard system.


许多课程还需要使用远程考试监考 Proctorio. To effectively use that service students must be able to utilize the Google Chome web browser and must have webcam capability on their laptop/desktop computer.


请注意,在线课程有截止日期,并且是 不是自学. The 澳门足球博彩官方网址 Distance Education Attendance Policy is based on the premise that students will complete all assigned course work by the established due dates. Failure to complete an assignment by the established due date is interpreted as an absence from the class.

Any student who misses an assignment will be subject to attendance warnings and classroom concern notices from their instructor. Multiple attendance warnings and classroom concerns may result in administrative withdrawal.


学生 who miss class hours totaling twice the number of credit hours awarded for the course, 或者相当于两周的课堂教学, 有资格退课吗. 教师 will be using the “TAPS” program–Tracking Attendance and Performance of 学生–to issue warnings for non-attendance and to drop students for non-attendance with the following final grades:

  • WN:撤军 不出席, 不失败
  • WF:撤军 不出席, 失败

***Please Note: When a 教员 drops a student due to non-attendance/inactivity in a course it does not excuse the student from the tuition charges or other financial obligations.***

只有学生可以因不出勤而提出申诉, 学生有两种可能的上诉途径.

  1. The student may appeal directly to the faculty person for readmission to the course and must provide evidence of extenuating circumstances that caused the absences. 教职员有权自行决定是否重新录取该学生.
  2. 学生可以通过学校的 学生办公室主任 通过填写 撤销上诉 表格于通知日期起计五个工作天内填妥. 然后,学生事务主任将对上诉进行审查, 和老师商量一下, 潜在的, 学生必须作出准许或拒绝重新入学的决定. If there is extenuating information/evidence unknown to the faculty person or Dean of 学生, 学生有责任提供这些信息/证据. 审查由学生主任或指定人员进行.


文森斯大学要求学生在所有学术工作中诚实. A student’s placement of his or her name on any academic exercise shall be regarded as assurance that the work is the result of the student’s own thought, 努力, and study and that the work was completed in a manner consistent with University policies and regulations. 学术不诚实行为将受到纪律处分,包括, 但不限于作弊的例子, 剽窃, 或者其他形式的对学术工作的歪曲.

  1. 作弊的例子 包括, 但不限于, accessing information or using resources not expressly permitted during an examination, 帮另一个学生做作业, 接收或传播作业或活动的内容(例如.g. 测试,测验,论文)未经教师许可.
  2. 剽窃 is defined as presenting someone else’s work, including the work of other students, as one’s own. Any ideas or materials taken from another source for either written or oral use must be fully acknowledged. 学生不得采用或复制思想, 意见, 理论, 公式, 图形, or pictures from another person or source without acknowledgement or applicable permissions.
  3. 其他形式的 学术欺骗 包括, 但不限于, submitting the same work for multiple assignments without instructor permission and furnishing false information to any university official, 教员, 或办公室.

The instructor will determine appropriate student disciplinary action that is consistent with the 学术欺骗 policy contained in the syllabus of the instructor, 这可能包括转介到 学生主任办公室 for appropriate disciplinary action in keeping with procedures used in the handling of other types of student conduct situations.
