Readmission Review - New

When a student is academically disqualified, there is a minimum waiting period of 一个学期 (summer semester not included) before a student will be considered for readmission to the University. Please understand that readmission after the designated waiting period is not guaranteed.  The one-semester waiting period may be waived 只有 if extenuating circumstances aided in academic problems and supporting documentation can be provided.  To be considered for immediate readmission please submit an Appeal Due to Extenuating Circumstances.  It is recommended that you begin the request process at least three (3) months before the semester you wish to return. Request deadlines are indicated below.

Readmission Request Deadlines
Fall Semester - July 15
Spring Semester - December 1
Summer Semester - May 1

学生 will need to follow these necessary steps to determine whether they are eligible to return to the University after being academically disqualified:  

  1. Complete the Readmission Review Request Form.
  2. Complete an 招生 application.
  3. Complete a 金融援助 Appeal (This is a separate appeal from the Readmission Request).


  • 学生 who are readmitted will return on a probationary status and will remain so until their overall GPA is above a 2.00. Those who fail to meet the minimum academic standards in each semester following their reinstatement will be academically disqualified.
  • The 金融援助, 住房/Residential Life, and Bursars offices should be kept informed of your intention to return to 澳门足球博彩官方网址, as you may require funding and housing if readmission is granted.  Regardless of your success in petitioning for readmission, an outstanding balance will prohibit your registration and your financial aid benefits may not be reinstated. You must contact these offices individually.
  • Petitioning students who are not readmitted will be advised of what they can do in the future to strengthen their request, or will be encouraged to pursue education elsewhere.

Requests for Readmission Reviews are considered on an individual basis and the following are some factors that may help your request:

  • Evidence of college readiness.
  • A letter of support from a Vincennes University faculty member or academic advisor.
  • Current employment that has lasted six months or longer with a letter of recommendation from your employer and/or a personal statement regarding how this work has helped prepare you to return to school. All recommendations must be completed on the Recommendation Form
  • Honorable discharge from military duty.
  • A realistic educational plan.
  • Successful academic record in courses related to your major.
  • Extenuating circumstances that aided in your academic problems.
  • No WN/WF’s on your transcript.

Readmission Request Process:

  • 提交 Readmission Review Request Form.  
  • The Readmission Review Committee will review the request and make a recommendation concerning your return to the University.
  • You will be notified of the committee’s decision, within 30 days of the appeal deadline date.
  • The committee’s decision is final.

Questions pertaining to the review process should be addressed to the Dean of 学生 Office, Beckes Student Union, 201房间, 812-888-4241 or the 招生 Office, 州长大厅, 812-888-4313.

Academic Disqualification Readmission Appeal (Readmission Review Request Form)
